Is your super with HESTA?

Download a sample member’s letter to HESTA here.

Email your letter to: Write to the CEO Debby Blakey and CC Cheryl Macnaught, General Manager of Client Relationships.

You can also post your letter to: PO Box 600, Carlton South VIC 3053.

Are you a member of the ANMF, ASU, HSU or United Voice?

The following Unions are on the Board of HESTA:

  • Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF)—two representatives
  • Australian Services Union (ASU)
  • Health Services Union (HSU)
  • United Voice

These Unions have the ability to pass a motion calling on HESTA to divest from Transfield Services and mandatory detention. Two thirds of the HESTA Board is required to carry a decision.

For members of the Australian Services Union

In March 2014, the Australian Services Union (ASU), one of the Unions with membership on HESTA’s Board, made the following announcement:

“The ASU National Executive calls for HESTA to divest from Transfield Services. Social and community workers do not want their retirement savings used to support a system of mandatory detention of asylum seekers and believe it is immoral for corporations to profit from the indefinite and inhuman detention of other human beings. We also note that Transfield has no experience or background in welfare. We undertake to advocate this position to HESTA Board and to also provide our members with information on how to take individual action to ensure their money is not being invested in Transfield by exercising investment choice within the fund.”

If you are an ASU member, a sample motion that could be passed at branch meetings is here.

For members of the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation, Health Services Union and United Voice

If you are a member of the ANMF, HSU or United Voice, a sample motion that could be passed at branch meetings is here.

Other organisations on the Board of HESTA

Other organisations on the Board of HESTA are:

  • Australian Private Hospitals' Association
  • Aged and Community Services Australia
  • Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association
  • Catholic Health Australia
  • Leading Aged Services Australia

Do you have contacts at these organisations that may be willing to help call on HESTA to divest from mandatory detention? Please get in touch.

HESTA divest.

Disrupt Transfield.

End mandatory detention.